Head or Gut, pt. II


About a quarter of the nation’s TV stations cut off their analog signals Tuesday, causing sets to go dark in households that were not prepared for digital television despite two years of warnings about the transition.

Okay, first, Obama wanted to delay this transition, and he got it: Congress changed the date to sometime in June.  What happened was that some of the stations went ahead and cut their analog signals, to save money (and who among us doesn’t want to save money right now?).  Frankly, I’d rather hear someone bitch about how their TV channel went dark than to hear about one of my friends who works for that station getting laid off.

But you know what?  I think — with a two year lead, 730 +/- days of warning — that you don’t get to complain.  Because the government offered little cards (I got mine as soon as they were available) that you could use to get converter boxes for essentially free.  Most of the people I know have digital TVs anyway, which don’t require converter boxes.  And for chrissakes — there have been commercials on every channel I get (no cable or satellite — local betwork only) announcing this for as long as I can remember.

If you’re too stupid to pay attention to the news, you really don’t need a TV anyway.  Your brain’s already rotten enough.  Get outside and enjoy the fresh air for a bit, or pick up a book.  Morons.

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